Day 22: A RESTful API with OpenAPI

The OpenAPI Specification (formerly named Swagger) is an API description format for REST APIs. An API specification written using the the rules set by the Open API Initiative can be used to describe:
- All the available endpoints. An endpoint is a unique resource that can access or modify a given object.
- Input parameters, such as headers, query parameters and/or body parameters.
- The structure of the response, including headers status codes and the body - if any.
- Authentication methods
- Contact information, license, terms of use and other information
This post look into how to write an API specification and how to use it together with Mojolicious::Plugin::OpenAPI and OpenAPI::Client.
Why would you use OpenAPI
This question comes up quite often after telling people about OpenAPI: "but...why?" The people asking this often come from the same background as myself, where you both write the producer (backend web server) and consumer (JavaScript, ...) of the data. When you're in complete control of both sides you don't really need to write any formal specification or document your API, since you already know how it works. This can be very true - at least if you make sure you have tests of all your endpoints.
Personally I'm a huge fan of documenting as well as testing. I often say that if you can't document (describe) the API/method/whatever, something is wrong and you should reconsider what you're coding. Documenting an API on the other hand is awful in my opinion, especially during rapid prototyping/developing where it's hard to keep the code and documentation up to date.
So how does OpenAPI fix this? Since the input/ouput Perl code is generated from the OpenAPI Specification, you know that the backend is always running code accordingly to the specification. Also, since the documentation you generate is not hand written, but generated from the same OpenAPI document you can with certainty know that the code the server is running, is in sync with the documentation.
By "generated code" I don't just mean the routes/endpoints, but also input and output validation. This means that when any data has made it through to your controller action, you know that the data is valid. On the other side, the consumer (let's say a JavaScript that cares about the difference between an integer and string) will know that it has received the correct data, since invalid output will result in a 500 - Internal Server Error.
So... If you don't care about documentation or collaboration with others, then I'm not sure if I would care much about OpenAPI either.
Note that the OpenAPI spec is not just for the server, but can also be used to generate JavaScript and Perl client side code.
To run any of the example code below, you need to install the following modules:
$ cpanm Mojolicious::Plugin::OpenAPI # server side plugin
$ cpanm OpenAPI::Client # client to talk with the server
$ cpanm YAML::XS # to read YAML formatted specifications
How to write the specification
Some people like to generate the specification from code, but I truly believe that writing the specification by hand and the generate code is the right way to do it. The reasoning behind this is "seperation of concern": Having the specification in a common format (JSON or YAML) allow other non-perl developer to contribute and read the document.
The API need to follow the rules set by the OpenAPI specification. In this post we will use the 2.0 version, but version 3.0 will be available soon, so you might consider looking at that as well.
Here is an example API, written in YAML:
swagger: '2.0'
version: '0.42'
title: Dummy example
schemes: [ http ]
basePath: "/api"
x-mojo-to: "echo#index"
operationId: echo
- in: body
name: body
type: object
description: Echo response
type: object
There's a bunch of things to dive into, but here is a quick overview:
is just to specify the version of the specinfo
is to give some meta-information about the APIschemes
is a list of valid HTTP schemes that can be used to access the API- All the resources under
will be relative tobasePath
, meaning that you need to use/api/echo
to access the "echo" resource. - The key
tells you which HTTP method you need to use to access the resource. x-mojo-to
is specific for Mojolicious::Plugin::OpenAPI, and will be passed on to the route's to() method.operationId
is used by OpenAPI::Client and other clients to generate a method that can be used to access the resource from the client side.parameters
contains a description of the acceptable input and output.
While the remainder of this article will focus on Full apps, you can also use
the plugin for Lite apps as well. In that case, the key to getting your routes
recognised is to make them have the right path (in this case, /echo
- it will
get moved by the plugin under /api
) and the right name
(the third parameter
to eg get
) to match either the x-mojo-name
or operationId
How to use the specification in your Mojolicious application
The example application will use the specification above to generate routes and
input/output validation rules. To start off, we can use the
command to create the app:
$ mojo generate app MyApp
Check it works right by running the provided test:
$ prove -l t
After that, edit lib/
to make it look like this:
package MyApp;
use Mojo::Base "Mojolicious";
sub startup {
my $self = shift;
# Load the "api.yaml" specification from the public directory
$self->plugin(OpenAPI => {spec => $self->static->file("api.yaml")->path});
Then copy/paste the specification from above and save it to public/api.yaml
Next you must create a controller lib/MyApp/Controller/
to match
in the API specification:
package MyApp::Controller::Echo;
use Mojo::Base "Mojolicious::Controller";
sub index {
# Validate input request or return an error document
my $self = shift->openapi->valid_input or return;
# Render back the same data as you received using the "openapi" handler
$self->render(openapi => $self->req->json);
Last, you should update the test. Change t/basic.t
so the line with
$t->post_ok('/api/echo', '{"i":"work"}')->status_is(200)->json_is({i=>"work"});
Check it all works right:
$ prove -l t
And you're done creating an OpenAPI powered application!
Running your application
To see what you just created, you can run your application using the
$ ./script/my_app routes
/api * api
+/ GET
+/echo POST "echo"
+/echo OPTIONS echo
From the output above, we can see that the expected route /api/echo
generated, so let's see if we can send/receive any data to the server. To try
it out, we use the "openapi" sub command which was installed with
In this first example we try to send invalid body data using the -c
$ MOJO_LOG_LEVEL=info ./script/my_app openapi /api echo -c '[42]'
{"errors":[{"message":"Expected object - got array.","path":"\/body"}]}
This next example should succeed, since we change from sending an array to sending an object, as described in the API specification:
$ MOJO_LOG_LEVEL=info ./script/my_app openapi /api echo -c '{"age":42}'
Yay! We see that the same input data was echoed back to us, without any error message. Mission accomplished!
See also
Did you find OpenAPI interesting? Check out these resources to find out more:
- Mojolicious::Plugin::OpenAPI contains guides and synopsis to get you started.
- OpenAPI::Client's manual contains more information about how the client side works.
- Swagger's about page has information about the specification and OpenAPI.
- OAI is the official OpenAPI resource page.
- JSON::Validator is the "brain" behind both the plugin and client side in Perl. Check it out, if you're interested in JSON-Schema.
Image by Chris McClave, in the Public Domain.
Jan Henning Thorsen
Jan (aka batman) is a self taught Perl hacker and a member of the Mojolicious Core Team. He likes to work with anything that has to do with web - both frontend and backend. Got more questions? Send him an e-mail or contact him in the #swagger
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