Now that I have a Minion job queue, I need to take care of it properly. Are the workers working (have they seized the means of production)? Are jobs completing successfully? Are there any errors? What are they?

Minion Jobs Command

Minion comes with a job command that lists the jobs and their statuses.

$ perl minion job
6  inactive  default  check_url
5  active    default  check_url
4  failed    default  check_url
3  failed    default  check_url
2  finished  default  check_url
1  finished  default  check_url

I can look at an individual job's information by passing in the job's ID.

$ perl minion job 1
  "args" => [
  "attempts" => 1,
  "children" => [],
  "created" => "2018-11-23T19:15:47Z",
  "delayed" => "2018-11-23T19:15:47Z",
  "finished" => "2018-11-23T19:15:48Z",
  "id" => 1,
  "notes" => {},
  "parents" => [],
  "priority" => 0,
  "queue" => "default",
  "result" => "0.0716841220855713",
  "retried" => undef,
  "retries" => 0,
  "started" => "2018-11-23T19:15:47Z",
  "state" => "finished",
  "task" => "check_url",
  "worker" => 1

But, it'd be a lot nicer if I didn't have to open a terminal, open an SSH connection, and run a command to look at the status of my Minion.

Minion Admin UI

I said I didn't have a web application, and I don't. But if I want a simple web application to check on the status of the Minion workers and read the results of jobs, Minion comes with an Admin UI plugin.

I can add the Minion::Admin plugin the same way I added the Minion plugin:

use Mojolicious::Lite;
plugin Minion => {
    SQLite => 'sqlite:' . app->home->child('minion.db'),
plugin 'Minion::Admin', {
    # Host Admin UI at /
    route => app->routes->any('/'),

Once I add the plugin, I now have a web application that I can run with the Mojolicious daemon command.

$ perl daemon
Server available at

Now I can access the Minion UI:

A web browser showing the main Minion UI screen with charts showing
the status of running jobs

The main page shows the current status. The links at the top show lists of jobs in the given state, any locks that exist, and the workers.

A web browser showing a list of jobs in the "finished"

When looking at a list of jobs, I can click the buttons on top left to manage the job queue, or click on the caret on the right of each job row to view the details of that job (the same as the job command shows).

A web browser showing the details of a single Minion job as

The Minion Admin UI is a great addition to a great tool! View the entire source of the Minion app

Original artwork by Doug Bell, released under CC-BY-SA 4.0. It includes the Minion logo (CC-BY-SA 4.0)

Tagged in : advent, minion

author image
Doug Bell

Doug (preaction) is a long time Perl user. He is the current maintainer of CPAN Testers and the author of many CPAN modules including the Statocles blog engine that powers this site.